Notes on Rupture

Highly Commended in the SULS Writing Competition 2021

By Grace Roodenrys (LLB III)

It’s almost invisible,

a cleaving as slight

as the stitch

between one second

and the next.

See how a world

can stop

and start again,

how it can fall out of time

like a sentence

rearranging its tense.

Picture a butterfly

lifting off a branch.

The moment

before it rises,

when it prepares

to lift away from itself

like a dream

leaves a person

in the instant before

falling asleep.

Strange, hypnagogic:

as if in that

broken second

its silver-green wings

are neither

moving nor still.

See how

it splits from

one world

and lifts off the branch

in another,

how the freeze-frame

ruptures the loop.


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