A law degree can offer you so many different career pathways, but thinking about options after graduation can still be daunting, as sometimes it's hard to know where to begin.
The SULS Careers Guide is a neatly summarised road map to a range of paths that you can pursue with a law degree. We have surveyed numerous organisations from a range of sectors related to your degree: social justice organisations, government bodies, domestic and international law firms, courts, and corporate advisory.
Importantly, our Careers Guide Editorial Committee have been working really hard to provide the best resources for our students, and so we want to take some time to celebrate their achievements! On the 28th of May at 6:30pm SULS will be launching the Careers Guide, and hearing a 'preview' from some industry professionals who featured in the publication.
So grab some snacks, sit back and relax while listening to some speakers about how the Careers Guide came together, and what your future in the law might entail!
Cassandra Ang - Editor in Chief
Christina Choi - Assistant Director at Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
Jessie Porteus - Legal Counsel at Coca-Cola Amatil and Founder at The Learned Crew
Mary Walker - Barrister; Mediator; Chair of Law Council of Australia ADR Committee
Natalie Bentley - Associate at MinterEllison
Vasili Mouralis - Principal Solicitor at Marrickville Legal Centre
All are welcome! Event will be held via Zoom.
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