
Dr Mimi Zou

1.     Why did you choose to come to Sydney Law School?

I always perceived Sydney Law School to be the top law school in the country. Eminent people in the Australian legal profession and the wider community whom I most admired all went to Sydney Law School. I was also attracted to the reputation of the law school as having the most brilliant legal academics in the country (and the world!)

2.     What countries have you worked in?

China, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Thailand, Australia.

I have been a visiting academic and consultant in Mongolia, Cambodia, Japan, and the US.

3.     Did you have a part-time job while at Uni?

Yes, and also a full-time job for one year.


4.     Did you consider applying for non-legal positions?

I have worked in non-legal positions in the public service and financial services sector during and after law school. A degree from Sydney Law School opens up a lot of doors!  

 5.     Extra-curricular activities you got involved in (societies, clubs, athletics)?

  • Vice-President (Social Justice) SULS
  • Vice-President (Education), Australian Law Students' Association
  • Member of the Dean's Working Committee on Clinical Legal Education
  • Young Australian of the Year Finalist (New South Wales)
  • Canterbury City Council Young Citizen of the Year
  • Delegate, Australian Prime Minister’s 2020 Youth Summit
  • National Adviser (Women and Employment), National Council of Women Australia
  • Councillor, University of Sydney Student Representative Council
  • Student Member, University of Sydney Business School Advisory Board
  • President and founder, University of Sydney Work and Organisational Studies Society
  • Australian Delegate, Commonwealth Youth Forum
  • Member, National Youth Roundtable
  • Chairperson, Canterbury Youth Council


6.     What is the most important tip you would give to international students before they go in for an interview?

Preparation is key. Try to do as many mock interviews as possible. Read news coverage of the firm/company and recent cases/deals they have been involved in. Highlight your language skills (if any) and international experience in your CV and interview!


7.     If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently?

Be a more diligent student :)


8.     How did Sydney Law School help prepare you for your current career?

Obtaining a first class honours degree from Sydney Law School not only gave me considerable choice in the legal market in Australia and globally, it also prepared me well for pursuing postgraduate studies at Oxford. I was able to obtain full scholarships to undertake the BCL and DPhil at Oxford. I am now a law academic based in Hong Kong and am indeed fortunate to have regular opportunities to visit Sydney Law School.